Wednesday, January 7, 2009

ahhhh! Finally

Well, I finally made it! The 16 weeks are over and I have received my last scheduled chemo treatment. I go to see the oncologist next Tuesday and see what he has to say about my future. Ginger took me to the final chemo on Monday. It only took a couple of hours from the time we arrived until the time we were walking out. My white count was only down to 1.3 or 1300 this week and my red count had gone down a little bit more. The nurse asked Dr. if I should get the shot to boost my count but he said no - wait to see where it is next week when I see him .
I have been waiting for this last 4 months to be over. It's almost as if I were in a time warp and it was in slow motion! Now that it has passed I am trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with this future that God has given me. Lots of heavy thinking,huh? You have to remember , though, that I am still talking my Marinol this week to fight the nausea from Monday's treatment. I can't think too seriously during this time. I'm likely not to remember what big decision I came up with!

I do know that God has provided me with days ahead to use to His glory. I'm not sure where that is leading but I am still listening for God's whispers. I pray that I will recognize them when they appear. I have been studying about when God speaks to you - you will hear Him and you will know that it is God. Let me be listining!

I'll let you know about the dr. visit next week. Calva is still having mri's done to know the exact treatment for her - it should start soon. Keep us in your prayers. Love you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so very happy for you !!!!!
I am praying for a all clear and a bright future with those grandchildren and Ronnie.
It is a little scary at first to not be checked on so frequently, but you will get over that soon.
I know God has a plan for you!!
Someone will come along and you can pass along encouragement and your knowledge.
Love JAne