Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today is Wednesday and it is so wonderful when you finally find a medicine that works! I am trying Emend this week and so far it has worked the best. I still have a little queasy spot in the middle of my stomach, but it is not an overall feeling. I have been able to eat a little bit and can actually drink more fluids without feeling like I am force feeding myself! I feel human again!
I need to have a better week because Gracie is the first speaker in the second grade program Thursday night and I have to be there to see her great performance! She gets to welcome everyone to the show! I had to give her bangs a little trim Monday night so she could actually see the audience she was talking to.
Kerri got to be my companion in chemo this week. It was good to spend some time with her - it's been almost 3 months since I quit working. You have to remember that we spent 5 days a week together for 20 years or so. Now, that's lots of together time! Anyhow, I really enjoyed her company and catching up on what's going on. It did remind me that God is in charge of our lives and works everything out. He brought Lindsay back to Azle at the perfect time! Of course, what else should I expect from God but perfection? Kerri and Lindsay are working on new projects and some old ones that we had started when I was there. With Lindsay being here, I am able to erase any thoughts of guilt that might have otherwise creeped in. ( I have been accused of being a worrywart) Anyway, I understand the scripture " Be still and know that I am God". I am still ,and I know that He is working everything out. Thank you God!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Good to go again

Yea, I finally passed a blood test! Starla took me Monday to the Dr. and my blood work was finally back up to normal. I told her that I wasn't so sure that I should be excited about it being back up because that meant the horrible chemicals in my system again. Well, I was right to feel that way. Today is Friday and I am just now beginning to feel human again. I tried the new nausea medicine this week and I'm not sure it was for me. I had a headache and still had to supplement it with the old standby, Phenargan. So, needless to say I pretty much slept this week away! Next week , I'm supposed to get the double treatment again so please pray that I tolerate it better than I did this week.
I keep myself as positive as I can by reminding myself that it is only temporary. I only have 5 more treatments of the double meds. In the long run, if I sleep away a few days, it won't matter so much. I do miss seeing my sweet grandbabies, though. I'm sure that they know that I love them and will see them as soon as I feel better.
Keep up the prayers on my behalf. I still believe that they are powerful and effective and that God knows me personally and is with me every step of the journey!
God bless you all!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another week off!

Well, Shara took me for my chemo yesterday and once again I failed the blood test! ( you know how I hate to do anything but 100 on a test!)My neutrophil number was the same as last week(700) but my total WBC count had come up. The nurse told me that sometimes that happens. There is a medication they can give me to help my WBC but they like for my bone marrow to bring it up on it's own. I am already scheduled to see Dr. Redrow next Monday so we'll see what he wants to do about it. Meanwhile, I still have to stay away from anyone who is sick or might have been around the sick.
We are going camping tomorrow (Wed.) and coming home on Sunday. The weather is supposed to be nice for the weekend so I'm looking forward to getting out of the house! The Geary's and the Foxes are going too. I'll be taking my beading bag with me so maybe I'll get creative. It will all be according to if my brain is working or not. All of you know that lately it's hit and miss!
I miss seeing my babies but maybe they'll remember who I am when my blood decides to cooperate. Gracie is waiting for me to be better so we can bedazzle her new jeans. Now, that will be fun.
No other new news for this week. I miss seeing you all and appreciate the visits I did have last week. Love you all!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What a Bummer!

Well, I'm bummed! Starla took me to get my easy week of chemo yesterday. We got there at 8:30 and got my blood work done. They called me back in about 20 minutes and sat me in a different area.(I should have known then that something was up) The nurse came over and told me that my white blood count was too low for me to receive my chemo. The neutrophil part of is was at 700 and what I could tell from the lab report - it should be 1500 or above. She told me to go home and stay away from sick people and practice good hand washing and drink lots of fluids. I asked her if this was going to bump me back a week in my chemo schedule. She said that it wouldn't - that next week to come in at the scheduled time and continue as if I had had the treatment this week. I guess I should be glad that I get a week off from getting chemicals put into my body! Ahhhhh, maybe a few days without feeling nauseated. In all things give thanks!
My hair still has not thinned too much. I do find hairs laying around the sink and on my clothes and I can tell that it is thinner than normal but I don't think it's too obvious. The doctor told me to expect it in about 2 weeks and that maybe it would be about half of my hair that would fall out.
I'm still going to go wig shopping as soon as my quarantine is over! Ronnie is not going to let me get out too much this week and if anyone is able to make it inside the house - you can be assured that he will be worse than he was when our children were newborn! If any of you were around then you will remember that no one touched the precious newborn without first washing your hands! Oh, to be loved and protected!
I've got some Bible study work to catch up on this week, so I'll be busy. I have started the Experiencing God study. I first did this study about 11 years ago and it was life changing for me. My Bible study group (that used to meet on Mondays but now has changed to Wednesday) started it about 4 weeks ago and I'm trying to stay up with them. So far, I haven't been able to meet with them and I miss seeing them, but I know they are with me in spirit! I'm there with you, girls!
I love hearing from all of you. I have saved all your precious cards and go through them when I'm feeling down. I feel the love and prayers!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Nausea - Not Fun

Okay, I have 2 weeks down now - 14 to go.
I have found out that the drug Cisplatin is mean and is notorious for causing nausea! I hate to throw up! It doesn't hit me until about 36 hours after the treatment - I guess it takes that long for my body to go WHAT'S GOING ON! Anyhow, there are all kinds of nausea meds. out there but so far we haven't found the one that works best for me. It's trial and error. The phenargan works pretty good but I'm sooooo sleepy! The nurse told me yesterday that she would order me some Kytril for my next round of Cisplatin. Thank goodness it is the one I only get twice a month! The next 2 weeks will hopefully not be so bad because I only get the Navelbine (which should only take about 20 minutes to infuse.
Ginger took me for my treatment on Monday. We had enough time to figure out how to work Starla's laptop and watch a whole movie! I sure does help make the time go by quicker! It all went very smooth - I'm so glad someone is going with me every time - blessed with wonderful family and friends!
I'm still waiting for major hair loss. So far, so good. I think if it is going to happen it will be in the next few days. I'll keep you posted. I have blinged up some caps just in case! Oh, to have something to occupy my mind and my time! There's nothing like sparkles! I know there are some of you out there that think that plain is better - it makes me sad for you!
Keep up your prayers - I still feel their power! God is good and knows what I need and He is providing! Love you all!