Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What a Bummer!

Well, I'm bummed! Starla took me to get my easy week of chemo yesterday. We got there at 8:30 and got my blood work done. They called me back in about 20 minutes and sat me in a different area.(I should have known then that something was up) The nurse came over and told me that my white blood count was too low for me to receive my chemo. The neutrophil part of is was at 700 and what I could tell from the lab report - it should be 1500 or above. She told me to go home and stay away from sick people and practice good hand washing and drink lots of fluids. I asked her if this was going to bump me back a week in my chemo schedule. She said that it wouldn't - that next week to come in at the scheduled time and continue as if I had had the treatment this week. I guess I should be glad that I get a week off from getting chemicals put into my body! Ahhhhh, maybe a few days without feeling nauseated. In all things give thanks!
My hair still has not thinned too much. I do find hairs laying around the sink and on my clothes and I can tell that it is thinner than normal but I don't think it's too obvious. The doctor told me to expect it in about 2 weeks and that maybe it would be about half of my hair that would fall out.
I'm still going to go wig shopping as soon as my quarantine is over! Ronnie is not going to let me get out too much this week and if anyone is able to make it inside the house - you can be assured that he will be worse than he was when our children were newborn! If any of you were around then you will remember that no one touched the precious newborn without first washing your hands! Oh, to be loved and protected!
I've got some Bible study work to catch up on this week, so I'll be busy. I have started the Experiencing God study. I first did this study about 11 years ago and it was life changing for me. My Bible study group (that used to meet on Mondays but now has changed to Wednesday) started it about 4 weeks ago and I'm trying to stay up with them. So far, I haven't been able to meet with them and I miss seeing them, but I know they are with me in spirit! I'm there with you, girls!
I love hearing from all of you. I have saved all your precious cards and go through them when I'm feeling down. I feel the love and prayers!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Joyce I hope you got to get your treatment and that all went well.
I am praying for you and I know that God is watching over you and guiding those hands that are giving you the treatments.
Keep Phi.4:8 in mind when other thoughts try to creep in. Jane