Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Today is Wednesday and it is so wonderful when you finally find a medicine that works! I am trying Emend this week and so far it has worked the best. I still have a little queasy spot in the middle of my stomach, but it is not an overall feeling. I have been able to eat a little bit and can actually drink more fluids without feeling like I am force feeding myself! I feel human again!
I need to have a better week because Gracie is the first speaker in the second grade program Thursday night and I have to be there to see her great performance! She gets to welcome everyone to the show! I had to give her bangs a little trim Monday night so she could actually see the audience she was talking to.
Kerri got to be my companion in chemo this week. It was good to spend some time with her - it's been almost 3 months since I quit working. You have to remember that we spent 5 days a week together for 20 years or so. Now, that's lots of together time! Anyhow, I really enjoyed her company and catching up on what's going on. It did remind me that God is in charge of our lives and works everything out. He brought Lindsay back to Azle at the perfect time! Of course, what else should I expect from God but perfection? Kerri and Lindsay are working on new projects and some old ones that we had started when I was there. With Lindsay being here, I am able to erase any thoughts of guilt that might have otherwise creeped in. ( I have been accused of being a worrywart) Anyway, I understand the scripture " Be still and know that I am God". I am still ,and I know that He is working everything out. Thank you God!


Anonymous said...

Joyce I am so pleased that the nausea medication worked for you.
I hope you enjoy the proformance with Gracie. Those are the great moments in our life and I am so glad you are making a memories to keep in your mind when life gives us lemons. Phil 4:8
Love Jane

Michelle said...

YAY!! So happy for you!

Unknown said...

Whoo Hoo!!
Glad you are having a good week.
Love you