Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Port - Ouch!

Well, Monday I went to Harris Hospital for outpatient surgery to insert the port in my chest that I will be receiving my chemo treatments through. I had to be there at 9:30 for all the pre-op but I didn't end up having the surgery until about 2:30. The wait for me wasn't so bad, but for Ronnie, Starla, Donna and Steve - it must have seemed like forever!
The procedure only took 30 minutes or so and I woke up and was back home by maybe 6:00. But, oh the PAIN. My right shoulder hurt and my port site hurt so bad. Mr Vicodin and I were friends that night! I kept and ice pack on and off while I was awake and by the next afternoon, I felt much better. I never even thought about that hurting so bad. Maybe I'm becoming wimpy! It sure is nice, though , that I can sit around in my p.j.'s all day long! Ginger came over to see me at 8:00 P.M. and I was still in the p.j.'s from the night before!
Today(Wednesday) Ronnie, Amy and I are going to the training session at the oncology center so we will be prepared for the upcoming 16 weeks of treatment. I am mentally ready for the journey before me - thanks to all your prayers on my behalf! I feel every one of them so keep it up. I'm also so appreciative of all the cards that I have received. That is so uplifting to me when I'm sitting around, not getting out too much. I love you all!

1 comment:

sheron watts said...

Hey Joyce,
Shara sent me your blogspot a week or two ago. I tried to leave a comment for you then, but (I'm sure you can understand this) the computer and I didn't seem to be on the same page so now I'm trying again. I was so sorry to hear about the health struggles you are going through, but what a trooper you are! Such a positive outlook is very encouraging to all of us. God works in mysterious ways and he is definitely working here. I'm so glad you have the blogspot and the pictures. God bless you, sweet friend, and you and your family are in my prayers.
Sheron Watts